I am in awe of such couples, and I am so honored when we are able to share in another beautiful and meaningful ceremony as they recommit their lives and love to each other again.
Alot of couples say, I don't want to bother with that, we're too old for that! No way! I believe this again is a chance to be proud of this milestone and demonstrate to us younger folks what it means to stay committed forever.
There are many rituals that can be used in a Vow Renewal ceremony. Of course, it would be great if the couple could use the same words they said to each other at that time, but, they may also want to create new words, words that review their years together.
The couple can use the rose exchange ritual, which is a symbolic exchange of a single rose to each other with a promise that they will always remember their love comes first and foremost.
Another great ritual for a vow renewal would be using an oathing stone. Perhaps they could have their children design one for the special occasion and the couple could renew their vows with their hand on the oathing stone.
A blended sand ritual can be very unique if they include their children and grandchildren with the different colors of sand. It then stays in their homes as a constant reminder of the occasion.
A tree planting ritual would allow them to select a tree or bush they love, and plant it at their home as a reminder of the roots they planted years ago. The tree would be nurtured and nourished throughout the years as a reminder.

As you can see, this is only a small sampling of rituals that can be used to enhance the renewal of vows ceremony.
Call me today to start planning your renewal, isn't your commitment one that you should celebrate??