One of the wonderful aspects of what I do is the ability to meet and be involved with so many incredible folks and events. Working as a volunteer is so rewarding, and even more fun when you are working with future brides! Making Memories http://www.makingmemories.org/
has the mission to grant wishes, including memory making events, for metastatic breast cancer patients, while continuing to support, educate, and increase resource awareness. This year, the event in Tampa was held at the Tampa Westshore Marriott on March 21st. This is the annual National Tour of Gowns sale. This event provided brides to be with the opportunity to find the wedding gown of their dreams, at an incredible savings, while making wishes and dreams come true. The event in our area is managed by Tammy Waterman, with the help of her family, http://www.eventsbyspecialmoments.com/ and with volunteers from all walks of life!
I am including a picture of some volunteers, one of whom is Angela Harwell, Mrs. Tampa Bay 2008. I had the pleasure of spending time getting to know her and found she is very involved with several endeavors, such as the Boggy Creek children's camp for children with terminal illness, http://www.boggycreek.org/ where she serves as an ambassador, also you may want to have a look at a website about the pageants that Angela is involved with, http://www.flauspageants.com/ . The photos for this article were contributed by Judy Zimmerman, who wears many hats, but is the director of sales and marketing for Tampa Bay Premiere Bride http://www.tampabaypremierebride.com/ and Angela Harwell and her husband Bruce. Thank you!
I will keep you all posted about the event for next year so that you can join us, either as a volunteer, to donate your bridal gown, or to purchase a bridal gown. This past event was successful and raised over $33,000. for a very worthy cause. I hope you will think about donating your gown, or purchasing one for your wedding.
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