Ocean breezes, waves gently coming ashore, the sounds of the gulls overhead, the sun setting off in the distance....all perfect elements as we celebrated the Baptism and Name Giving of Jackson on Madiera Beach in Florida! Jackson enjoyed the festivities, although playing and walking in the sand seemed a bit more appealing! Parents Kendra and Rob,their daughters Naiomi and Savannah and Godparents Rima and Robby celebrated the birth of Jackson and welcomed him into this world. The Godparents and his sisters are aware of the awesome responsibilities they will share in serving as mentors and caretakers of Jackson. What a lucky little boy he is to have such a beautiful circle of family and friends to share with him joy, hope, love and peace. Jackson was blessed with the waters of the ocean in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The candle lit flame represents the light that will guide and protect Jackson throughout life's journey of tears and laughter, of joy and sorrow, and of happiness and sadness, and great love. Each year on his birthday, the family will light the candle until he reaches 18, and then it will be kept and relit on those special occasions that occur on the journey through life.

It is said that the more love a child receives, the more they will benefit in their lives, and the more love in turn they will be able to give to others. The more people to whom Jackson relates, the more balanced and rich his growth will be. My wish for you Jackson, your family and friends is this.......may life's richest blessings and joys be yours. May you grow in health of body and mind to full adulthood, and may it be your good fortune to play a worthy part in making life more pleasant for those whose paths you cross.
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